Ruyi Feng Shui Cure


To know whether you need a Ruyi or not in the feng shui of your home, first decide if you like the look of the Ru Yi and then see if you feel connected to its meaning. The quality of the Ru Yi you want to buy is important, as some feng shui cures are from cheap materials and are of questionable quality.

What Is the Ru Yi Feng Shui Cure?

Ruyi is a Chinese scepter-like object in classical or traditional feng shui. They create a unique chi (specific energy), giving someone good luck and respect for others.

After you understand the meaning and use of Ru Yi in classical or traditional feng shui applications, it is up to you to decide if it is a good match for the energy of your home or office.

The Meaning

As with most ancient symbols, there are several different versions as to the origins of Ru Yi. Some believe Ru Yi originated from the Buddhist ceremonial scepter, some from a self-defense weapon, and some believe it originated as a simple back scratcher. Whatever its origin, records show that in time Ru Yi became a symbol of power and authority.

Fun Fact

Literally translated, Ru Yi means “as you wish.”

The additional meaning of Ruyi is that of good luck and protection. With a reputation for helping its owner find a clear way to fulfill his path or destiny. Ru Yi’s association with power, authority, and fulfillment of a destiny (yang quality of energy). It often translates as “career” in today’s world). It is best for good feng shui in the office, not at home.

Where to Place

In classical feng shui schools, a Ruyi most often positions in the North area of a business place, a home office, or a large corporate office. A Ru Yi in the office assumes to protect the owner from negative energy. Also, clear the way for career advancement.

At home, the Ru Yi is most often placed in the Northwest Bagua area. The area connected to male energy. It also the feng shui area connects to networking and helping people. Sometimes it is placed in the West feng shui Bagua area (Children and Creativity) to create more authoritative energy in children’s interaction.


The typical Ru Yi is from metal or a lighter material with a bronze finish. A more expensive and better-crafted Ru Yi is from jade or precious wood. You often find the feng shui Ru Yi adorned with red tassels with the mystic knot. As well as various feng shui symbols.

If you like what Ru Yi is about and feel connected to its look and meaning, definitely go for this feng shui cure. Do not make the mistake of feeling limited to using cures that do not resonate with you.

Feng shui is all about energy, and you can express the energy in endless ways. You have to be clear with your intent. Also, know what you want to achieve by using a specific feng shui cure. Ru Yi is just one option among many other options. Understand its energy and explore how the same energy can be expressed in various ways. Ways that are appropriate for your home and office decor.